Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Think I've Changed

I'm only hours older than I was yesterday, yet something inside tells me I've changed. I don't feel the way I used to. It's like I got out of bed one morning and THEN I woke up. Doesn't seem to make sense huh?

I've never had this feeling before, I'm alive, I'm conscious. Understand me, it's like I'm seeing things like I've never seen before. I'm seeing the wrong in what I thought was right, I'm seeing times when I should have stood up but instead I hid. I'm feeling like I robbed myself of the opportunity of being a better person. So I offer my apologies.

If I seem different, I may have changed
If I don't smile like I used to, I may have changed
If I come across as a bit intolerant, I may have changed
If I'm not the person you remember me to be, I may have changed
When I don't find humor in the crude, I may have changed

If I decide to stay in tonight and work on me, I may have changed
If I prefer solitude, I may have changed
If the one that you hate is the one that I've chosen, I may have changed
If I say that we need to take a break, I may have changed
When I say I think that we're unbalanced, I may have changed

When you think you just "don't get me", I know I've changed!

I don't know what changes need to take place in your life but today, take stock and see if maybe today is the day you need to change.

Long for your dreams, Live them out, Laugh at your heartaches and Love every minute of this life (Book of Ali)

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