Thursday, August 5, 2010


Middle school students who study music do better in algebra, concludes a study by Barbara Helmrich of Baltimore’s College of Notre Dame.

"Students who studied a musical instrument did the best, followed by students who sang in a choir. Those who didn’t study music had the lowest algebra scores. The effect was especially strong for black students".

When I read this article I was intrigued. I thought about it. Have you ever realized how quickly children pick up the lyrics from a song they like, or how fast they memorize the video game music? It is said that music can help memory in addition to other things like coordination.

I'm not saying teachers need to music all the time when educating their students. But what's the problem with combining education and music.Apparently researchers have found children who were taught using musical techniques score a lot higher than those who do not.

I definitely wouldn't encourage any mind to have a steady musical diet of say 'Soulja Boy' but try variations of musical genres...who know in your experimentation, if you don't feel smarter at least you may just find out something about yourself like you love jazz.

It's just a thought, but worth a try!

Long for your dreams, Live them out, Laugh at your heartaches and Love every minute of this life (Book of Ali)

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